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Signs Of Aging

The primary signs of aging include fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin, each of which is a direct result of the body’s aging processes. Over time, production of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin slows, causing skin to lose volume, density and elasticity, triggering the visible signs of aging. This natural depletion accounts for only ten percent of skin aging; the remaining ninety percent is brought on by long-term exposure to free radicals. These cause oxidative stress that damages skin cells and accelerates the aging process.

While an aging complexion is inevitable, visible effects can be minimized with a targeted skin care routine. As aging skin also tends to be dry, we recommend following a dry skin care routine with a few adjustments. Serums, oils and concentrates containing botanical peptides, hyaluronic acid and natural retinol alternatives will help plump, lift and firm skin. Antioxidant-rich products will provide additional benefits by protecting skin and minimizing the damage done by environmental stress and free radicals.

Lack Of Firmness

An additional side effect of aging is loss of firmness. Over time, the muscles throughout the body, including the face, can lose their tone and elasticity. As muscle fibers and elastin begin to lengthen as a result of aging, lifestyle and nutrition, the skin can start to sag. And, lacking strength and elasticity, it loses the ability to bounce back. The result is drooping of the eyebrows and eyelids as well as looseness and fullness (jowls) under the cheeks and jaw.

Lack of firmness can be treated with a targeted skin care routine that improves skin tightness and elasticity. Adjust your aging skin routine to include face masks and moisturizers that contain natural firming agents like bamboo. Facial massage techniques can also be beneficial in toning the muscles beneath the skin, keeping them healthy and firm.


Hyperpigmentation is one of today’s leading skin concerns and is characterized by the appearance of dark spots, freckles, scarring or an uneven skin tone. This condition is induced by an increase in melanin production by the skin’s melanocytes, caused by a number of factors including sun exposure, stress, aging, hormonal changes and post-inflammatory pigmentation. Hyperpigmentation can affect any skin type and widely varies in severity.

This is one of the most difficult skin conditions to treat and requires dedication and consistency with a targeted skin care routine. Certified Esthetician Alicia Hawthorne advises: “Look for serums and moisturizers that contain ingredients that help to brighten and prevent pigmentation or assist with resurfacing the skin.” These include stone crop and natural hydroquinone alternatives as well as licorice root, willow bark, arbutin and zinc hyaluronate.

Sun Damage

UV exposure can result in both temporary and long term damage to the skin. One of the most common conditions as a result of sun exposure is immediate dehydration and painful, itchy redness. Over time, accumulated exposure can permanently stretch small blood vessels, leading to a red and blotchy complexion.To minimize and prevent the negative effects of sun exposure, keep skin protected and hydrated year-round. Apply an SPF moisturizer or mineral powder sunscreen daily and protect your body from head-to-toe with natural body sunscreens. After exposure, replenish lost moisture with deeply hydrating balms and body lotions.


Dull skin is characterized as skin that has lost its natural radiance. It looks tired, ashy, lackluster, patchy or dry — qualities due to determining factors.

These factors include environmental or lifestyle choices, like a poor diet, insufficient exercise, seasonal changes or sun exposure. One of the most effective ways to revive tired-looking skin is a diet rich in nutrients and antioxidants, which can improve the skin’s natural radiance. Similarly, adding antioxidant-rich products to your skin care routine can also improve the appearance of a dull complexion. Skin care products with superfruit ingredients, like mangosteen, provide unique and potent antioxidants that give the skin a more luminous appearance.

Dullness can also be caused by dead skin cells, which fail to reflect light uniformly and lead to a lack of luminosity. Exfoliation can rekindle the skin's natural glow by gently resurfacing your skin while also minimizing the appearance of pores. This skin care step removes the barrier of dead cells clogging the skin and uncovers fresh new cells below. If you want to find out how to achieve brighter skin, watch our Lead Skin Care Trainer, Natalie Pergar, as she does a deep dive into identifying dull skin, and the best products to incorporate into your routine.

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